Earth Sciences
1rockhound -
1 Rockhound is a Idaho and Oregon rock hound site dedicated to the collection of rocks, gems and minerals. Featuring Field trip reports and dig location and much more. We are a non profit site run by rockhounds for rockhounds.
Bbc-planet-earth -
about planet earth mountains, fresh water, caves, climate changing, bbc planet earth, bbc, shallow seas
Bio-network -
Bio-Network is for scientists and the community to discover, share and vote on scholary and popular content in biology, in the applied life sciences agriculture, horticulture and forestry in the earth sciences and in the environmental sciences.
Gpsplanet -
GPS rental services to assist your personal or by car travel, vacation or tourist trip assistance. We rent GPS Systems in Canada, USA, Europe and other countries.
Greatmining -
We provide latest updates in the mining industry, the information resources available helps the traders to get the info about the industry investors and others, the rich information in this site gives valuable inputs with regards to types of metals, miner
Horse-tiger -
The Castle Mountain fault is one of several major east-northeast-striking faults in southern Alaska, and it is the only fault with historic seismicity, 1986; Detterman and others, 1974). The Castle Mountain fault is approximately 200 km long, and is one o
Macmachinery -
MacMachinery offers a comprehensive range of products encompassing balers, ballistic separators, composting equipment, chippers, crushers, grinders, shredders, screeners, optical sorting, waste sorting systems and waste shredders. MacMachinery also offer
Plate-tectonics -
Resource website by an international organization of students who are interested in learning about Plate Tectonics to share knowledge, ideas, and interesting findings.
Recycle -
Recycling is everybody's responsibility. It helps us save the environment and keep the earth green. We show many different ways how, what and where to recycle. From paper to cell phones, computers to copper, we got you covered.
Rockingeology -
My web site teaches the concept of geology it also tells how gems , fossils were formed and little about the history of gems and fossils. there is a page about minerals and gold. the web site allso tells about mining and about prospecting as well as trea
Rocksgemsminerals -
Website on all the types of minerals , gems And rocks there is! of what they are composed , where they come from and more! very interresting if you like minerals.
Wikipedia-map -
Information about any area on the map from Wikipedia